4 Birthday Parties

Well, we sorta missed Sienna’s first birthday which was on Aug. 3rd. And Kyla and Teegan’s birthdays are within a week of eachother, so we decided to celebrate them all at the same time. And since my sister Debra has a birthday during the week between Ky and Tee’s, we celebrated hers at the same time. IT WAS LOUD. There were 22 kids there. But I keep telling myself, I got 3 kids birthdays done in one shot, and that makes it worth any noise level.
A shot of my full living room, before the presents were opened.

Teegan started, what a nerdle.

Since Teegan is turning 8, his birthday was mostly stuff centered around baptism (ctr ring, journal, scriptures) and cub scouts (shirt, neckerchief, belt, book, etc.) He did manage to get toys from Grandma and pa Gleason, Aunt Debra, and the Emmetts.

McKyla turned 11 (holy cow!) and asked for clothes, wheelies, and a pocket-knife.

She was very surprised to actually get the pocket-knife, since I lied to her about it. She got new beads from Grandpa and ma, new clothes from us and the Emmetts, and a pottery-painting kit from Aunt Debra. She also got a soccer-ball and more beads from her best friend Lizzy, and a cedar chest. (Thanks Becky!)

Sienna didn’t quite know what to think or how to open her gifts.

So, dad helped her. She got mainly clothes from us and Aunt Debra, and toys from the Emmetts. Grandma and Grandpa had given her a gift on her actual birthday. (And she loves it!)

Then Debra opened her presents and was very excited. Debra is just 2 years older than I, and this was her 34th birthday. Woohoo!

A massively large, horribly decorated cake for the 3 big kids…

And a very small, horribly decorated gf cake for the celiac girl.