How sad that none of my kids can really even remember ever staying in a hotel. We decided to get a hotel for the night while we were in Idaho for the Anniversary Party. As huge as our family is getting, it’s harder and harder to feel okay just crashing at someone’s house. We got a room at the Fairfield Inn by Marriot. It was just built in Burley last year, and was very nice. The kids had a lot of fun and loved the breakfast in the morning.

We were at the pool for an hour and were the only ones there. Dad and Jace in the hot tub.
Sienna has no fear and would walk right into the big pool if we didn’t keep an eye on her. Look at those chunky thighs. (Hers not mine please)
Me and 5 of the kids, Jace was already snuggled in pj’s and asleep in her seat by this point.
Kyla took this picture of Jason and me.
The room we got was 2 Queen beds, so the 4 big kids all shared one.
Sienna had a play pen they brought in for her…