Last week was emotional. Last week taught me a lot of things. We can never know, and maybe never really understand the Lord’s plan for us. But I know He has one. Last Monday night we got the news that Dalan and Kari had just had their new baby boy. Logan Chase Perry. He was born 8 weeks early. 4 lbs. 7oz. He is still in the NICU but is doing well. We are so happy for them and their new little guy. I can’t wait to see him and hold him. This is the only picture I could get of him, from Kari’s facebook page. What a cute tiny little button.
Not more than an hour or two later we got the news that our former employee and one of Jason’s good friends, Jordan Mingo, had been killed in a plane crash with his brother and father. This last week has been one full of tears and heartache. Jordan was a great guy, a great example. I feel broken hearted for his wife Shelley, and their three little ones. I wanted to post about this, because I want to always remember how I feel. I never want to take things for granted because you just never know.
I got these pictures of their family from their blog about the accident and the funeral. I don’t ever remember seeing Jordan without a smile on his face.
We are praying every day for Shelley and her kids. I’m so grateful for the knowledge we have of the plan of salvation. I’m grateful for the spirit that can help us through when things get tough. The memorial service on Friday was the most beautiful service I have ever been to. I hope I can always remember the way I felt. Jordan was a great example to us, and just a good all around person. I was so amazed that Shelley was able to stand up there and talk about him. She is so strong. I hope I can always remember to be grateful for everything in my life. Especially the people I love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.