Jace Capri Perry was born one year ago today. She was 12 days early. And she was gorgeous.

Here she is at 3 days old. I will only look at this picture for 1.7 seconds, lest I get baby hungry.

Sorry, I don’t have any great pictures of her at one year old, because of the broken camera situation, these were the best I could find.

Her hair has stayed dark like most of the big kids. If she had Sienna’s blonde hair, they would be identical twins. People who see her at this age can’t help but say she looks exactly like they remember Nenna.

She is a really great eater, unlike her big sister. And at this point in time only weighs about 3 lbs less than Sienna. When she finishes eating she will throw whatever is left on the floor, a habit I am not too fond of.

I love you precious little girl. Happy Birthday.