I am so grateful this Christmas season for a family I love more than life. I have the best husband a girl could ever dream of. And the six greatest kids I’ve ever met. It was a lot of fun this year figuring out what to give the kiddos, and imagining their faces. It really is true as you get older, it becomes much more fun to give than receive. Love to all our family and friends, and Merry Christmas to all!

Christmas Eve was carried out as usual this year, with the exception of wrapping. I mean, they all know they are getting pajamas. Why torture myself with the wrapping and the mess? Besides I hadn’t wrapped a single thing leading into Christmas Eve, and this gave me 6 less presents to worry about! My kids are so laid back.

All the children were nestled all snug in their beds…. so I could clean up and get ready for Santa. This year I was so excited about our new stockings. I grew up with these stockings and am so grateful to Janine Taylor for making us our own set of personal stockings. I love them!

Santa brought books for all the kids again. None of them wrote a letter in time, so Santa got to pick them all out himself. I think he did pretty dang good!