Caught in a moment of cleanliness. Unfortunately, this is a rare occurrence in Sienna’s room. Generally speaking she is making the mess, not cleaning it up. But a mom can dream, can’t she?
Caught in a moment of cleanliness. Unfortunately, this is a rare occurrence in Sienna’s room. Generally speaking she is making the mess, not cleaning it up. But a mom can dream, can’t she?
This is just a quick photo I snapped of Jace as we were celebrating Tauna’s birthday yesterday. She looks like she has something up her sleeve, but I’m not sure what it is. Growing up too fast.
What a big day! Valentine’s day is a little different in our house than in most. We pretty much don’t even celebrate it. We are too busy celebrating Katauna! Katauna turned 8 this year. I can’t believe she is that old. She got the regular 8 year-old gifts like scriptures, a journal, a bank for...
I guess we need to learn to be more specific when we ask Sienna to go get “cleaned up”. But man, she sure did get her hands clean!
For the third month in a row we were able to go see our family in Idaho. Kelly was able to procure us a quarter beef and it was ready for pickup. I love having a freezer full of meat and never having to buy steaks, roasts, or ground beef at the store, and have...