During our week in Sacramento, we spent a day out at the zoo. It’s a pretty small zoo, but it was still fun. Jace’s favorite part was the crocodile. I don’t know what Sienna’s favorite part was, but I know what her least favorite was: the monkeys. We had a pretty ornery monkey put on a, cough cough, very disgusting and hilarious show for us. Let’s just say it involved something being flung at the glass right in front of us. It was a fun time, the first time for the littles to go to a zoo. Wish it were a little warmer that day, but we survived. After the zoo we had a cold picnic lunch in the park and played tag. Then we went into Old Sac and browsed around and bought candy. We also had a diaper blowout and mad dash to baby gap, but we won’t talk about that.