Apparently they did.
Apparently they did.
I always breathe a little sigh of relief after October 12 comes and goes. Those 4 birthdays in 3 months are a little bit of a stretch sometimes. Teegan Lee just turned 10. He was born in Salem, UT in the morning of Oct 12 in the year 2000. (It will always be easy to...
Yeah, I pretty much can’t believe it either. Rae is a teenager. She is a joy in our lives, and the best kid anyone could ask for. She is a good friend, and she always tries very very hard to choose the right. I love her so much, and couldn’t have wished for an “oldest”...
Someday these two little girls will read this and know that they celebrated their birthdays really really late one year because mom just couldn’t pull it together. But, luckily for me, this year they were too young to be disappointed. We celebrated Sienna and Jace’s birthdays at the end of September. (Sienna’s is Aug. 3...
Trafalga had a pretty good deal going on season passes. It’s a year at Trafalga, the summer season at seven peaks, all the owlz games and all the flash games. They were only on sale in September, so we bought them for the kids for Christmas. But, we didn’t want to not use them for...